Thursday, April 14, 2011

To figure out the Difference between   BIG and LARGE (revised)

From the column, you will find out that " big " is more often used in the colloquial than in the written system.  However, "large" is opposed to " big" .  Also, you can find that both of them can be used in countable noun or uncountable .   " big " is frequently appeared in the daily conversation, and "large" is quite used in the formal occasion, for instance, in writting to describe the scale, degree, amount, and so on. 

Written (251)
Colloquial (537)
Wirtten (430)
Colloquial (116)
big secret 
big school
large sum
large amount
big smile
big try
large size
large estate
big problems
big room
large share
large erm
big words
big smacks
large tent
large hallway
big parties
big resisters
large tankers
large garden
big names
big properties
large systems
large families

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