It is no doubt that MIt indeed a good learning resource to advance our language learning. Although all of the courses in MIT are about academic field, however fortunately there are transcript we can have a referance. Besides, we also can download the video,audio, and other teaching material on the webiste. The reason why i think it is helpful is that if we can work hard on these couses, and be as concentrate as we are in the same class,the progress, i realize, will be quite unexpective. Actually, MIT can offer every resouces we will need in the class. It offers us syllabus, assignment,teaching slides, and even exams, which we can text ourselves our comprehension.
On the other hand, MIT has its sufficiency. Becuause the courses are self-study class, there will no one can answer our quesions as encountering problems. Also, self-study needs a great resolution and steadfastness to promote ourselves to get long-term progress.
Overall, its abundant and complete teaching resoucess can reduce the difficulites as leaning english. For instance, we can choose the courses we interest in, and listen to the video with the transcript utill we think every word in the lecture is familiar to us. Then, try to move away the transcript, and listen again to examine our succcess. Also, we can dwonload the script and learn the word uasge and phrase on the scrip. Both of them are beneficial to our listening comprehension and reading skills.